Staff Qualifications

We are looking for adults (minimum age 18) who have the spirit of service and sacrifice and want to dedicate their time and talents to help nurture, teach, and support the youth of our communities.  Candidates must complete an application to be consideration to our program.  The application will outline their prior related service work experience, will include a narrative from them speaking to their desire for this work, and must include a pastor’s recommendation (though additional recommendations are welcome).  While being a member of the Orthodox Church is not a requirement to serve, all candidates must be prepared to comport themselves and respond to questions as an Orthodox Christian would.  Each candidate will be personally interviewed by one or more of our leadership team prior to final selection of our staff. 

  • We offer opportunities during the month of July to staff our three weeks of Summer Camp (starting with a one week staff training week).  During the Summer program, we also offer one-session Counselor in Training (CIT) programs for those aged 17 – 18.  A similar application process is required for CIT candidates.
  • In June we hold a one-week camping experience called “Bridge Week” for current year high school graduates (perhaps only 30 campers).  This staff commitment is only one week long and we specifically look for older and experienced staff members who perhaps can no longer serve a month, but whose experience would be highly valuable to this group of campers.
  • In Winter, we staff a full Teen Only camping program for President’s Day weekend.  It is our preference that Winter staff applicants have already been on staff for a full Summer program prior to applying for Winter Camp.