St. Nicholas Camp Standards
As members of a Christ-centered community staff and counselors will strive to bring out the best in each other, build each other up, and treat each other as fellow children of the Lord.
Campers are to stay with their assigned counselors at all times and remain at their scheduled events.
All food will be stored and consumed in the mess hall eating area.
Girls and boys will remain in their respective areas of the quad. Girls will only go inside girls cabins and boys only inside boys cabins. Porches are considered part of a cabin.
All camp and personal property will be respected and treated as part of the community. As active participants in this community, raiding and any other mistreatment of camp and personal property will not occur.
Caution will be used when playing outside or inside cabins.
Campers and staff are not permitted in the pool area without a lifeguard on duty. Campers and staff are not permitted in the Archery Range without a qualified instructor.
Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, substances containing THC or nicotine, weapons, and any flammable substances (like matches, flares, charcoal, or fireworks) are not permitted to be in the possession of campers at Camp St Nicholas.
Each member of the community will participate in all church services, wearing appropriate attire.
Staff members will follow proper procedure when leaving campgrounds.
Closed-toed shoes will be worn at all times when outside to avoid injury.
Wear practical and comfortable clothing. Shirts will cover the midriff area and shorts will be the appropriate length. Girls will wear a 1-piece swimsuit. Guys will wear swim trunks or shorts.
According to the Fire Marshall, smoking is permitted ONLY on the gravel in front of the Mess Hall. No smoking will be permitted in the presence or sight of campers. As such, staff who wish to smoke on their breaks while camp is in session must drive off property to smoke. If staff need to smoke between sessions, the only smoking area is the gravel in front of the mess hall (by the flag pole).
While camp is in session, staff cars will be parked in the parking lot, with the exception of a couple of emergency vehicles parked behind the staff cabin.
Couples who are in a relationship during camp are encouraged to interact with and support each other in a Christian manner. Said relationship should not be apparent to other staff or campers.
Conflicts that arise between campers and/or counselors will be approached and addressed in a Christian manner, with love and understanding from all sides. Just as fighting, swearing, and other such behavior is unnecessary and brings down the community, discipline must also be based upon Christian love and a need to redirect inappropriate or unsafe behavior.
Camper cell phones and cash should be left at home. If not, they will be collected at the beginning of the week. They will be kept in a safe place and returned to the camper at the end of the week. Staff with cell phones will never use them unless on break and outside the presence of campers.